Oil and gas industry pipelines monitoring and diagnostics
Monitoring pipelines and communication lines over long distances can be very expensive if conventional security systems are used. These traditional solutions require installing and maintaining many sensors and infrastructure elements along the entire length of the pipeline or cable route.

Ksense offers a unique and cost-effective alternative with our K-DAS system. Using advanced fiber optic sensing technology, a single K-DAS unit can monitor up to 75 km of pipeline using just one fiber in a standard telecom cable. This eliminates the need for thousands of separate sensors and drastically reduces infrastructure and maintenance costs.

The K-DAS fiber optic sensing solution enables pipeline operators to monitor very long distances with a single compact system, minimal infrastructure, and low maintenance. By providing early warning of threats with precise location data and video verification, K-DAS empowers security teams to protect pipelines more effectively at lower overall costs compared to conventional sensor networks.

Here's how the K-DAS system provides superior pipeline monitoring and protection:
  • Early warning of threats: K-DAS detects and alerts when heavy machinery approaches the pipeline, enabling security personnel to respond proactively before any damage occurs. The system also identifies unauthorized digging and construction activities near the pipeline.

  • Precise location of events: When a potential threat is detected, K-DAS provides the exact GPS coordinates of the disturbance. This allows security teams to pinpoint the location immediately without having to patrol the entire pipeline length.

  • Integration with CCTV: The K-DAS system seamlessly integrates with pipeline video surveillance systems. When an alarm is triggered, K-DAS automatically displays the video feed from the nearest camera at the intrusion location.

  • Instant notifications: Upon detecting a threat, K-DAS generates an alarm notification and sends it to the pipeline security team through multiple channels like the K-DAS software interface, SMS, and email. Personnel are alerted immediately so they can coordinate a rapid response.
Pipelines and communication lines monitoring always implies substantial expenditures for the security system infrastructure. If a conventional solution is applied, the security zone would contain a lot of elements requiring regular maintenance and verification. We offer our customers a unique solution that would allow monitoring zones of up to 75 km per one device with the ROPA system. One fiber in the fiber optical cable substitutes thousands of sensors.

The K-DAS system warns independently or within a security complex about heavy machinery approaching a pipeline and allows to detect tie-ins and unauthorized works, The K-DAS system can be easily integrated into a video surveillance complex and provides the video image of a pipeline section where the alarm has been activated; it also generates an alarm event notification to the security department employees via various channels.

Operator window

Event is displayed on the map and logs

As the sensing elements are buried in the ground, the probability of its malicious damage is minimized. The detection zone for a person is several meters wide. Even before a person could get close to a facility, the person will be detected by the system. It should be pointed out that K-DAS provides for passage digging detection. The additional advantage of the system is that it allows monitoring the passage of pig receivers (cleaning pigs) and defectoscopes in the pipes

Localization acoustic influences

• Detection unauthorized works

• Monitoring the movement shells

A vertical seismic profiling system is being created. The system sensing element — fiber optical cable — requires no maintenance. According to the manufacturers, the average fiber service life time is over 25 years, and the K-DAS system service life time is over 10 years. The possibility of the system operation via the Ethernet channel allows an operator or dispatcher to monitor it remotely.
The K-DAS system can be integrated into any security system that allows using external API interfaces. The complete automation of the system is possible, e.g. integration with drones. The automatic launch of the device would allow receiving photo and video images of the scene promptly and without additional involvement of a dispatcher.

Классификация воздействий
• обнаружение утечки нефти и газа
• контроль активности вдоль трубопровода (несанкционированная врезка)
• определение положения внутритрубного снаряда
• обнаружение подвижек грунта
A vertical seismic profiling system is being created. The system sensing element — fiber optical cable — requires no maintenance. According to the manufacturers, the average fiber service life time is over 25 years, and the K-DAS system service life time is over 10 years. The possibility of the system operation via the Ethernet channel allows an operator or dispatcher to monitor it remotely.
The K-DAS system can be integrated into any security system that allows using external API interfaces. The complete automation of the system is possible, e.g. integration with drones. The automatic launch of the device would allow receiving photo and video images of the scene promptly and without additional involvement of a dispatcher.
As the sensing elements are buried in the ground, the probability of its malicious damage is minimized. The detection zone for a person is several meters wide. Even before a person could get close to a facility, the person will be detected by the system. It should be pointed out that K-DAS provides for passage digging detection. The additional advantage of the system is that it allows monitoring the passage of pig receivers (cleaning pigs) and defectoscopes in the pipes

Operator window
Event is displayed on the map and logs